Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Dear Internet,

   Thanksgiving is in just a couple of days, and I have never looked forward to it less... but then, I've never really looked forward to it at all, so I guess that's not saying much.  I just never really understood the appeal- all your relatives get together under one roof, which never has enough room to fit you all, and all the family drama breaks out, certain relatives that can't stand each other make it very obvious to the most casual observer so that even children are sucked into the drama, and in general it's just melodramatic and frustrating.  In addition to that, I don't even like cranberry sauce, and I'm a vegetarian, so I don't eat the turkey.  I couldn't care less about the turkey.  And the turkey is the central part of the meal.
   Do you want to know what else I don't like about Thanksgiving?  The whole premise of the holiday is to eat.  That's America for you.  And the food isn't even authentic- they ate completely different food at the first Thanksgiving.  (I don't remember what it was, but I'm sure google has it somewhere.)
   I just don't see the appeal.

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